Advertisements on endpapers and on 24 p. bound in at end
Driver, E. Cookery books published in Britain
One copy in Rare Books and Special Collections in publisher's green cloth, gilt lettering; signature of Mary Fullwood, Tickhill
One copy in Rare Books and Special Collections, also in publisher's green cloth, is a gift of the Fraser-Hickson Institute, 2007; label of: W.E. Franklin, Newcastle-on-Tyne; copy imperfect: bookblock detached from backstrip and upper covers
2015-11-11 22:00:26
"Twenty-fifth thousand." Advertisements on endpapers and on 24 p. bound in at end. Driver, E. Cookery books published in Britain, 687.6 One copy in Rare Books and Special Collections in publisher's green cloth, gilt lettering; signature of Mary Fullwood, Tickhill. One copy in Rare Books and Special Collections, also in publisher's green cloth, is a gift of the Fraser-Hickson Institute, 2007; label of: W.E. Franklin, Newcastle-on-Tyne; copy imperfect: bookblock detached from backstrip and upper covers.